I got this meme off of BookGirl's Nightstand, which I love love love! Iliana was actually that first person to post on my blog and I was in awe. I mean, she's a celebrity in "book blog world", so I was very exicted! Thanks for stopping by my site and leaving me postings, Iliana!!Here goes....Four jobs I've had:
1.Retail Associate at Barnes & Noble, which was bad because my whole paycheck went straight to book purchases!
2.Medical receptionist3.Medical transcriptionist4.Office Manager (presently)Four movies I can watch over and over:
1.Sleeping with the Enemy (I don't like Julia Roberts, but I cannot stop watching this movie. It can come on at two o'clock in the morning and I have to watch the whole thing!)2.The Crow3.Kama Sutra4.Cruel IntentionsFour places I've lived:1.Okinawa, Japan - I am a military brat2.Oahu, HI - ...still a military brat. I also lived in San Diego & Jacksonville, NC
3.The NYC (for almost 20 years)
4.Scottsdale, AZ (presently)Four television shows I watch:
1.Lost 2.The L Word (on DVD)3.Law & Order: SVU - my husband and I kind of pretend that I'm Olivia and he's Elliot. I cannot get enough of that show! Too good!!
4.Real World/Road Rule The Gauntlet 2 (because it helps me get my aggression out. I mentally fight with them and it feels really good... It also helps to take my mind off of work and my studies)I also love to watch shows on the Fine Living Channel and the Food Network, as well as any documentary that I can catch. The last one I watched was Country Boys on PBS. If you haven't watched it, it's a must!Four places I've vacationed:Riviera Maya - on my honeymoon...Writing this, I feel seriously deprived.
Four of my favorite dishes:
1.Arroz con gandules (rice w/pigeon peas w/ lots of flavor!)2.My Martha Stewart Chicken Salad (it does not have lettuce, tomatoes or mayonnaise. It's amazing!!)3.Mediterannean Salad w/grilled chicken from Tutto Bene4.My husband's shrimp. Too delicious!Four sites I visit daily (aside from my links):
There are too many to list...one would be my school's website. That is a daily ritual.Four places I would rather be:1.In my bed, sleeping2.In my bed, reading a good book3.In NYC, browsing the shelves of Strand Bookstore, Shakespeare & Co., etc...4. 2 years into the future, with my Master's under my belt, in a nursing program & one step (of the many steps) closer to becoming a physician), and my baby that I plan (God willing) to have next year, staring at me with a smile on her/his face :)Okaaayy...if you've read through this, then consider yourself officially tagged!